Design Biz Show

smid 졸업전시회

2024 smid Design Biz-Show 



Creating intersecting values in an uncertain world

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2023 smid Design Biz-Show 


Infinite Canvas

Expand horizons, Design possibilities without limits

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2022 smid Design Biz-Show 


Purple Ocean

: If you envision tomorrow, Conversion of future comes

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2021 smid Design Biz-Show 


Shift & Next

: Shift to new era & Next generation

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2020 smid Design Biz-Show 


end, and

: Curation of our lives the edge of tomorrow

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2019 smid Design Biz-Show 


FLOW  :  Mood / Tech /  Visual / User / Active

DECONOMICS  :  Design + Economics

2018 smid Design Biz-Show 


RE [ frame ] / : 재정의하다. 다시 구성하다.  RE [ fresh ]. RE [ make ]. RE [ place ]. RE [ mind ]. RE [ born ]

Delightful / the better living and happiness  기분좋은, 나를 위한 더나은 삶과 행복

2017 smid Design Biz-Show 


Me / Maze of Experience, Make Experience mine

Normal+ / Review the ordinary and add a new point

2016 smid Design Biz-Show 


PERSON/개인/個人 The practical imagination'of the Person','by the Person'&'for the Person'

IMAGINE/상상/想像  Imagine, beyond the limited & Imagine, from the different angle

2015 smid Design Biz-Show 


STORY STORE 2015 : More simplicity in the living 

法古創新 근본을 기반으로 옛 정신을 물려받아 새 것을 창조하다.
